
Phones need to be gone!

I was reading one of my collegues blog and the story was that cell phones had been banned while driving vehicles. Statistics said that more than 50% of car accidents are due to drivers being on their cell phones. I'd be a hypocrite if i'd say that people who talk on their cell while driving should be punished. Well lets face it, I do it too and i'm pretty sure everyone else does. With those darn cell phones these day, it seems like the phone is glued to everyone's ear. What's worse is that I even see people texting while driving. Cell phones are a huge distraction while driving and i've seen with my own eyes where people run red lights since they are oblivious to their surroundings.

I researched and found out that not only is the United States trying to ban cell phones, but other countries are doing it as well. I'm curious to find out if banning cell phone usage while driving, means no more off hand phones? What I'm trying to get at is now adays people use headsets, bluetooth, or even install blue tooth into their vehicle to talk without holding the cell phone. Would this effect the same way to distract drivers? In my opinion I think banning cell phones is a good idea. It would probably bring the rates of accidents down a tad bit if people were more aware and focused on the road.

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