
Hurricane Ike Victums

As everyone may know, ever since the big Hurricane Ike hit Texas Coast it has damanged a costly amount of more than 2 billion dollars. Victums of the tragedy are all worried that Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A) will not put in money to help aid them. It was stated that within the first month or so when the hurricane had hit Texas, F.E.M.A were going to reimburse Texas 100% of all cost for the damages Ike had done. Currently, residents are still living in their cars, tents, condemned homes or even the streets since they've lost everything. I think too it is unfair that F.E.M.A helped Lousiana when hurricane Katrina had hit, but they are refusing to do the same for us Texans. If F.E.M.A does not help, a lot of residents and homeless people will have a hard time getting back on their feet and continue thier lives.

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