
Hurricane Ike Victums

As everyone may know, ever since the big Hurricane Ike hit Texas Coast it has damanged a costly amount of more than 2 billion dollars. Victums of the tragedy are all worried that Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A) will not put in money to help aid them. It was stated that within the first month or so when the hurricane had hit Texas, F.E.M.A were going to reimburse Texas 100% of all cost for the damages Ike had done. Currently, residents are still living in their cars, tents, condemned homes or even the streets since they've lost everything. I think too it is unfair that F.E.M.A helped Lousiana when hurricane Katrina had hit, but they are refusing to do the same for us Texans. If F.E.M.A does not help, a lot of residents and homeless people will have a hard time getting back on their feet and continue thier lives.


Cut thier HANDS OFF!!!!

I was reading the blog from Texas Lone Star State and even with legal actions that occur after person gets caught for shoplifting, I personally don't think the law is strict enough. Shop. pers from all over the country tell themselves everytime they come through the store, "hey, man everything is so darn EXPENSIVE!!" Well part of the hugest reason is due to shoplifters. The thief that is doing the work, thinks to themselves "oh its just one item, they have plenty more left" don't realize that actually for every item that is stolen, the store/company loses money for that particular item. Therefore, the next time they do new shipments, those items are now being increased in dollar amounts. So for the people that actually do pay for their items, they get stuck for paying such riduculous amount of money for that one item they've been purchasing for the longest time. I currently work for HEB and know that everysingle day we lose so much money in our store due to shoplifters. The main dept that gets hit the most is cosmetics. We all know that teenagers these days need their certain hygienes. Instead of paying an average of $3-4 for beauty products, they steal the product which makes the average prices increase to about $6-8. Now its almost stupid to even pay for just a plain lipstick tube for $6 dollars. Another increase in products due to shoplifters is food! You will not believe how many people i see at my store, go to the fresh baked goods and eat baked items and never once pay for it at the register. Simply because they don't want to pay $.50 for a doughnut, well guys prices went up to know $.79. You wonder why produce such as grapes, apples , and bananas go up in pricing per lbs. is due to people eating them and not paying for them. Come one folks if you don't have the money to purchase them DON"T EAT THEM! I noticed that the blog "Texas Lone Star State" stated that we should have a law for teens who shoplift, I think we should have a law for ANYONE who shoplifts, cutting off a person hands or fingers is a bit morbid ha ha (although i tried researching which country did that and had no luck) but i think just a slap on the wrist few hundred dollar fine is just plainly NOT ENOUGH!!!! This reminds me that not only are teens highly shoplifting, but adults DO DO IT TOO! I've seen adults getting handcuffed at my Store for stealing. The funniest thing is that they tried to be so slick, they had a basket full of dental hygiene's and they had went to another isle and the wife had stuffed all the products in her purse. Little did they know that they were on camera the whole entire time. After they purchased the remaining items the security and APD police were at the exit doors wainting to handcuff them.

So the point i want to state is that, i think we should make a law that is much more stricter on shoplifting. Will this prevent theft? i think it would decrease the amount much more if people knew that the consequences are much more severe.