
Is Mr. Watkins postponing death Penalty? Or is he Really seeking Justice?

After reading the article in the Dallas Morning News, I did quite a bit of critical thinking. A lot actually. Craig Watkins wanted to freeze all 40 death penalty cases, and review each case specifically to ASSURE that we got the right "Guys". Mike Hashimoto believes that if Mr. Watkins thinks that we should re evaluate these cases, he should have found Hard evidence to back up his statement. Yet, Mr. Watkins have not found any cases that are led to prosecutorial misconduct. I think Mr. Hashimoto is trying to see if Mr. Watkins indeed is trying to seek "Justice" or is he just stalling time. What makes me wonder is that, what Led to Mr. Watkins to start thinking that there might be error in these cases? Could it be that he might not agree with the death penalty? Or did he get suckered into some sort of Loop Hole? Whats funny is that, i did indeed look up a news story that Mr. Hashimoto mentioned, The case with Aubrey Hawkins. The "Texas Seven" convicts who escaped from a prison, had came upon a sporting goods store where Officer Aubrey Hawkins responded to a robbery call. While trying to stop the felons, he was shot to death and ran over by the fugitives. When all Six were found (one committed suicide) , the first one to recieve the lethal injection was on August 14, 2008. Michael Rodriguez. Now , there are 5 more left to go, but yet, Mr. Watkins without a doubt knows for sure that these felons committed the crime and are still breathing till this very day. Its kind of difficult to really see if what Mr. Watkins is doing is an act of justice. Does Mr. Watkins really need to go back and re assure that these cases are correct , after the fact that these capitol murders have gone through LONG Jury trials? For the victums family, and loved ones, do they feel at ease that the punishment for what these felons were to deserve have not yet been served? Also, what if? You never know if maybe the prisoner is actully innocent. I think all in the end, if IF a person were to be found Guilty in the end, wouldn't that mean our Governtment is a fault ? Who would we prosecute then?

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